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Mar 12, 2025

On March 31, 2025, LifeLabs Genetics will complete the FastTRK Testing Program funded by Bayer Inc.
Please note, as of November 8 2024, that the Anti-Sperm Antibody test is no longer available due to the testing location no longer offering this test. LifeLabs is looking to source another location for testing, and will provide an update if successful.
LifeLabs is transitioning to using Hologic ThinPrep collection devices for cervical cytology and HPV testing, replacing the current BD SurePath collection device. Hologic ThinPrep collection devices will be the common method used to collect cervical samples for the future HPV-primary Ontario Cervica...
The Guaiac Fecal Occult Blood Test (gFOBT) can no longer be ordered on our requisitions as the manufacturer who produces the cards for the test has discontinued them.
The turn-around-time for this test may be delayed due to unforeseen instrumentation issues. An update will be provided when instrumentation issues have been resolved and testing has returned to normal.
Effective 22 April 2024, LifeLabs is introducing changes to the reporting of kidney function tests, including: Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), Urine albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR), Kidney Failure Risk Equation (KFRE)
Serving over 7 million Canadians nationwide, the platform serves to support patients and their health care providers in making informed decisions about their health with an array of digital tools and solutions.
LifeLabs is partnering with Klinrisk to exclusively offer an algorithm-based test tool for risk stratification of kidney failure progression at early stages of CKD for at risk patients.
There will be no Panorama™ Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) collections on December 25, 26, and January 1.
As of January 1, 2024, the price of Home Care services for homebound patients will increase by $10 to $55, and the price of MyVisit™, a convenience-based service, will increase to $85.
We have partnered with LifestyleRx to offer Canadians greater support in managing their health with prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes
ANCA and ANTI-CCP have been added under the Ministry of Health’s Community Access Pilot program coverage for collection and testing when ordered by select health care specialists in Ontario.
September 30th is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Our operations will continue as normal on Saturday the 30th, but we will be closed on Monday, October 2, 2023, to observe the holiday.
We’re pleased to share that we have introduced the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis Score (ELFTM) in Ontario as a convenient option for screening for liver fibrosis in Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients.
***Update on Test Ordering [Clarification]*** When ordering Stool Ova & Parasites testing, if helminthic infestation is suspected, the patient has immunocompromised status, or if testing is for immigration/refugee screening purposes, then please collect stool samples in SAF containers. Please provi...