Popular Kits

Vitamin D Health (25-Hydroxy)
Vitamin D is essential for several key functions in the body including bone health, immune system support, mood regulation and muscle function. It is estimated up to one third of Canadians do not have the recommended levels of Vitamin D.
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Diabetes Health (HbA1c)
The Diabetes Health (HbA1c) kit measures your average blood sugar levels over the past few months using a simple blood draw. It helps identify your diabetes risk level.
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Cervical Health (HPV)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) testing detects cervical infections by looking for high-risk types of HPV that are more likely to cause pre-cancers and cancers of the cervix. Learn your HPV status by ordering today.
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Colorectal Health (FIT)
The Colorectal Health (FIT) Kit is a safe and painless non-invasive test that screens for colorectal cancer. Early detection is an important part of managing your colorectal health.
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Hormone Health (Sleep & Stress)
Adrenal and melatonin hormone imbalances can affect your sleep, energy levels, mood, weight, and more. Assess your hormone levels with a reliable and simple saliva test.
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