Test from the Comfort of Your Home

Order the test from the comfort of your home. No visit to your health care provider required.
With an easy-to-use kit, you can collect your sample when and where it works best for you.

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Colorectal Health (FIT) Kit

  • Peace of Mind about your Colorectal Health

Early detection can lead to better treatment outcomes. According to Ontario Health, when colorectal cancer is caught early, 9 out of 10 people can be cured.2

  • Easy to Order, Easy to Use

Save time by ordering the test from the comfort of your home. No visit to your health care provider required. With an easy-to-use kit, you can collect your sample from the privacy of your own home

  • Immediate, Secure Results & Virtual Follow Ups

Access your results online using our secure results portal as soon as they are ready. Virtual appointments with qualified physicians for any abnormal test results.

Order a Kit

Are you eligible for provincially covered testing?

People who are at average risk for developing colorectal cancer, and have provincial health coverage, can discuss their eligibility for a provincially covered testing with their family doctor or nurse practitioner.

Average risk:

  • 50 to 74 years old
  • Have no first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer
  • Have not tested in the last 21 months

In Ontario, provincial coverage is available once every two years for eligible patients.

Learn More

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Colorectal Health (FIT) Kit
Accessible, convenient and comfortable testing

The Colorectal Health (FIT) kit is a fecal immunochemical test (also called FIT), recommended for colorectal screening for individuals at average risk of colorectal cancer. It is a safe and painless at-home cancer screening test.

Save time by ordering, collecting and reviewing your test results where and when it works best for you. Virtual follow up with a physician from LifeLabs’ clinical partner, Trillium Health Partners, is available for anyone who has an abnormal test results.

Should you get tested?

The Colorectal Health (FIT) kit is for individuals who are interested in optimizing their colorectal health and promote early detection for colorectal cancer.

The kit can be used by anyone between the age of 50 to 74 who is not eligible for OHIP or the Ontario health FIT program.

The provincial program is for people at average risk:

  • 50 to 74 years old
  • No first-degree relative (parent, sibling or child) who has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer
  • Have not tested in the last 21 months

Research shows that almost 7 out of 10 people diagnosed with colorectal cancer have no family history of the disease.2


why important fit

How does the Colorectal Health (FIT) Kit work?

The test checks someone’s stool (poop) for tiny amounts of blood, which could be caused by colorectal cancer or some pre-cancerous growths.

The test helps to identify colorectal cancer at an early stage, so you can benefit from earlier treatment.

Order a kit today

The Colorectal Health Kit is a quick and easy way to collect your sample from the comfort and privacy of your home

Frequently Asked Questions