1Wash your hands with soap and water and dry. Lay out your kit contents.

2Check that your date of birth and name are accurate on the collection device and request form. If any of these are inaccurate, please contact the LifeLabs Customer Support team at 1-877-849-3637.

3If needed, urinate (pee) and flush your toilet.

4Line the toilet with the stool collection paper.

5Defecate (poop) onto the collection paper.
Note: Do not pee onto the collection paper and do not let your poo touch the water or the toilet.

6Twist the cap to open the collection device. Be careful not to empty or spill the fluid in the device.

7Scrape the stick along the poo until the grooves are covered. You only need a little poo to test. Please do not add extra.
Do not let your poo touch the water or toilet.

8Put the stick back in the collection device and click the cap to close it. Do not reopen the collection device after use.

9Flush the biodegradable collection paper. Wash your hands with soap and water. Dry thoroughly.
Note: Biodegradable collection paper is safe for septic systems.

10Clearly write the date and time of collection on the sample label provided with this kit. Adhere the label vertically on top of the original tube label.
Your sample will be rejected if this step is not completed.

11Place the securely capped collection device in the clear plastic ziptop bag found in your kit.

12Clearly write the date and time of your collection on the request form provided with this kit. Put the request form back in the clear ziptop bag included in your kit.

13Carefully seal the ziptop bag and ensure it is completely sealed.

14Place the ziptop bag with your collection device and request form into the box that came with this kit. Then place the box inside the plastic mailer and seal it. Ensure the return label is clearly legible on the mailer.
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